Server Tuning


  1. Undertow Configuration

Out of the box Kit supports the Undertow web server via the ring-undertow-adapter

Undertow Configuration

Undertow allows setting the number of worker and IO threads using the :worker-threads and the :io-threads keys respectively. For example, we could update the default configuration in the system.edn as follows:

{:port #long #or [#env PORT 3000]
 :handler #ig/ref :handler/ring
 :worker-threads 200
 :io-threads 4}

If you want to do a custom configuration that includes calculating the io-threads at runtime, you can override the default ig/init-key for server/undertow. This is the definition in kit.edge.server.undertow

(defmethod ig/expand-key :server/undertow
  [k config]
  {k (merge {:port 3000
          :host ""}

For example,

(defmethod ig/expand-key :server/undertow
  [k config]
  {k (merge {:port 3000
          :host ""
          :io-threads (* 2 (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime)))}

For a full listing of all configuration options, review the ring-undertow-adapter documentation.

Undertow uses separate thread pools for managing the IO and the worker threads. The :dispatch? flag is used to decide whether the request should be dispatched by the IO thread to a separate worker thread. Since dispatching the request to a worker carries overhead, it may be more performant to handle some requests, such as hardcoded text responses, directly in the IO thread.