Kit defaults to using cookie-based sessions.
The session middleware is configured in the :cookie-session-config
of the :handler/ring
component. Session timeout is specified in seconds and defaults to 24 hours (i.e. 86400 seconds) of inactivity. Here is the default configuration. The business logic is provided by ring.middleware.session.cookie/cookie-store
{:cookie-secret #or [#env COOKIE_SECRET "16charsecrethere"]
:cookie-name "<project-ns>"
:cookie-default-max-age 86400}
Accessing the session
Ring tracks sessions using the request map and the current session will be found under the :session
key. Below we have a simple example of interaction with the session.
(ns myapp.home
[ring.util.response :refer [response]]))
(defn set-user! [id {session :session}]
(-> (response (str "User set to: " id))
(assoc :session (assoc session :user id))
(assoc :headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"})))
(defn remove-user! [{session :session}]
(-> (response "User removed")
(assoc :session (dissoc session :user))
(assoc :headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"})))
(defn clear-session! []
(-> (response "Session cleared")
(assoc :session nil)
(assoc :headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"})))
(def app-routes
{:middleware [middleware/wrap-csrf
["/login/:id" {:get (fn [{:keys [path-params] :as req}]
(set-user! (:id path-params) req))}]
["/remove" {:get remove-user!}]
["/logout" {:get clear-session!]])
Flash sessions
Flash sessions have a lifespan of a single request, these can be accessed using the :flash
key instead of the :session
key used for regular sessions.
Cookies are found under the :cookies
key of the request, eg:
{:cookies {"username" {:value "Bob"}}}
Conversely, to set a cookie on the response we simply update the response map with the desired cookie value:
(-> "response with a cookie" response (assoc-in [:cookies "username" :value] "Alice"))
Cookies can contain the following additional attributes in addition to the :value
- :domain - restrict the cookie to a specific domain
- :path - restrict the cookie to a specific path
- :secure - restrict the cookie to HTTPS URLs if true
- :http-only - restrict the cookie to HTTP if true (not accessible via e.g. JavaScript)
- :max-age - the number of seconds until the cookie expires
- :expires - a specific date and time the cookie expires
Cookie encoding
Java objects such as dates must be explicitly encoded when stored in cookie sessions. The following example illustrates how to use tick library to add a reader for a zoned date-time:
(defn wrap-base
[{:keys [cookie-opts]}]
(let [{:keys [cookie-secret cookie-name cookie-default-max-age]} cookie-opts
cookie-store (session.cookie/cookie-store {:key (.getBytes ^String cookie-secret)
:readers {'inst (fn [x]
(some-> x (tick/parse) (tick/inst)))
'time/zoned-date-time #'tick/zoned-date-time}})]
(fn [handler]
(cond-> handler
true (session/wrap-session {:store cookie-store
:cookie-name cookie-name
:cookie-attrs {:max-age cookie-default-max-age}})
true (cookies/wrap-cookies)))))